Beaumont, P.B. & Morris, D. 1990. Guide to archaeological sites in the Northern Cape. Kimberley: McGregor Museum.
Deacon, H.J. & Deacon, J. 1999. Human beginnings in South Africa: uncovering the secrets of the Stone Age. Cape Town: David Philip.
Dubin, S.C. 2006. Transforming museums: mounting Queen Victoria in a democratic South Africa. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Hall, M. 1996. Archaeology Africa. Cape Town: David Philip & London: James Currey.
Humphreys, A.J.B. & Thackeray, A.I. 1983. Ghaap and Gariep: Later Stone Age studies in the Northern Cape. Cape Town: South African Archaeological Society Monograph Series 2.
Legassick, M. & Rassool, C. 2000. Skeletons in the cupboard: South African museums and the trade in human remains, 1907-1917. Cape Town & Kimberley: S.A. Museum and McGregor Museum.
Lewis-Williams, J.D. 2000. Stories that float from afar: ancestral folklore of the San of Southern Africa. Cape Town: David Philip.
Lewis-Williams, J.D. & Blundell, G. 1998. Fragile heritage: a rock art fieldguide. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand Press.
Maggs, T. 1976. Iron Age communities of the Southern Highveld. Pietermaritzburg: Occasional Publications of the Natal Museum.
Mitchell, P. 2002. The archaeology of Southern Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge Africa Collection.
Morris, A. 1992. The skeletons of contact: a study of protohistoric burials from the lower Orange River Valley, South Africa. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand Press.
Shillington, K. 1985. The colonisation of the Southern Tswana, 1870-1900. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Smith, A.B. (ed). 1995. Einiqualand: studies of the Orange River frontier. Cape Town: UCT Press.
Phillips, T. 1996. Africa: the art of a continent. London: Royal Academy of Arts.
Some Journals relating to Southern African Archaeology
South African Archaeological Bulletin. Issued June and December. Subscription includes three issues of The Digging Stick and occasional issues of the Goodwin Series. Contact: The Assistant Secretary, South African Archaeological Society, PO Box 15700, Vlaeberg, 8018, South Africa.
Southern African Field Archaeology. Issued April and September. Contact: The Editors, Southern African Field Archaeology, Albany Museum, Somerset Street, Grahamstown, 6139, South Africa.
Southern African Journal of Humanities. (Formerly Natal Museum Journal of Humanities). Issued annually. Contact: The Editor, Natal Museum, Private Bag 9070, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, South Africa.
Azania. Issued by British Institute in Eastern Africa. Contact: Membership Secretary, BIEA, PO Box 30710, Nairobi, Kenya or London Secretary, BIEA, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR, UK.
Nyame Akuma. Issued by taking membership of the Society for Africanist Archaeologists. Contact: Dr Scott MacEachern, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, 04011, USA.
Zimbabwe Prehistory. Issued occasionally. Contact: Dr Innocent Pikirayi, History Department, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.