Research is based on fieldwork (surveys and excavations) and analysis of existing collections. Upgraded archiving of the collections enhances their value as research collections.
Current projects reflect research initiated by the museum as well as a range of collaborative ventures with or by visiting researchers.
Heritage Management

Heritage impact assessments are a means to facilitate development while ensuring that what should be conserved is saved from destruction, or adequately mitigated and/or managed.
Collection Management

Archaeological Data Recording Centre.
A major undertaking from the late 1980s has been computerisation of records (1908 to the present), part of a general upgrading of the archaeological archive for the Northern Cape.
Site Management

We play a role in concert with other heritage authorities, institutions, interest groups, and individuals in helping to conserve sites, which are the contexts of non-renewable and fragile traces from the past. By arrangement with SAHRA, the McGregor Museum Archaeology Department issues National Site Numbers for the Northern Cape.
Contract services

Archaeological resources in the landscape – being unique, non-renewable and fragile – are highly susceptible to damage by agriculture, mining and development. The department undertakes archaeological impact assessments and mitigation in terms of heritage and environmental legislation and regulations
Education and Tourism Resources

Including Outreach – Publication – Display – Education – Tourism Research results are communicated by way of: publications for the scientific community and the wider public; displays; education programmes and community outreach; and tour guiding.